Chichester Harbour Conservancy News

Published 12:41 on 10 Mar 2025
The Chichester Harbour Conservancy conservancy gave 40 warnings and instigated 5 prosecutions, mainly for excessive speed and wash, last year. In 2025 there will be extra budget for evening and night patrols. The patrol boats have cameras and occasionally use a speed gun.
From the Conservancy website: 'HELP US TO HELP YOU'
"We are always impressed with the vigilance of residents and harbour users who help keep us informed. You are our additional eyes and ears covering the 50 miles of shoreline and 17 miles of navigable channels of the harbour.
In an emergency situation, or if you believe that you or another person requires immediate assistance, please dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
If you are reporting a suspected crime please call 101 and speak to either Hampshire or West Sussex Police.
If you do not require the emergency services but are currently witnessing an incident that requires the attendance of the Harbour Patrol please contact 'CHICHESTER HARBOUR PATROL' on VHF channel 14, or call the Harbour Office on 01243 512301 during opening hours 9:00 -17:00 Monday to Friday,
This could be someone needing assistance, something that appears suspicious, a boat low in the water, an injured bird no matter how small or seemingly insignificant we would appreciate your report.
To report anything that is not an emergency or requiring immediate attention from patrol please email "