
The club has a large cruiser fleet of approximately 100 boats of various sizes, both sailing and motor boats. The club has 85 of its own moorings in the creek beside the club.
The cruiser section arranges a programme of rallies to destinations within the Solent and further afield. Our most popular destinations are Bembridge and Ryde particularly for impromptu rallies. At least once a year we venture as far as Newport, usually around the time of the Pop Festival in June which is popular with the younger members.
Our first rally of the season is to Chichester Marina and our last rally of the season is to Haslar Marina, Gosport. These rallies attract the most members of the Cruiser Section as we can always drive there if the weather is unfavourable.
We also hold lots of impromptu rallies to East Head and other harbours in the Solent, weather permitting - a favourite for all sizes of cruisers.
To make a Pontoon or Coles Quay booking please LOGIN - the links will appear in the side menu on the Cruiser page.