Is the tide on the turn?

Published 08:51 on 23 Apr 2023
Richard Craven, as retiring Director & Harbour Master of Chichester Harbour Conservancy (May 2023 gave a great talk recently (well attended) at our club on the future of Chichester Harbour and what has been implemented to save our beautiful harbour. His knowledge and understanding of this unique area, the largest recreational harbour combined with an AONB designation, is unparalleled. He explained balancing the needs of the many stakeholders with the necessity to conserve, protect and enhance a declining environment is far from an easy task. He talked knowledgeably about the battle to stop the decline and reverse the impacts of climate change, over eutrophication, decline of seagrass, the effects of storm water discharge to name but a few, and the establishment of CHaPRoN, the Chichester Harbour Protection and Recovery of Nature, which pulls together the expertise of many agencies to ensure a unified sense of purpose. Richard leaves a legacy from which his successors can build. MRSC wishes him every success in his new life in Wales.