The darts team is starting again!

Published 11:11 on 19 Nov 2021
Anyone with a keen eye and a reasonably steady hand (does that exclude most MRSC members?) who would like to join the team please contact Donna Reeves.
We have three matches coming up:
Friday 28th January at Tudor Sailing Club.
Friday 25th February at MRSC.
Friday 25th March at Langstone Sailing Club.
So where exactly did one of our most beloved bar games start?
Darts originated in the U.K. sometime in the mid-19th century. It's been said that the game first started with soldiers throwing short arrows at tree trunks or the bottom of a barrel. Wood would dry out and cracks would form, creating "sections" on their makeshift boards. Apparently some woodworkers even began paying their bar bills by making homemade dartboards and giving them to pubs! (Don't get any ideas MRSC bar lovers). Dartboards used to be called "butts," coming from the French word for target. The first set of proper darts was crafted using wood, lead for weight, and turkey feathers.
Now you know, join up! We need more players.